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Solar street lamp


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Solar street lamp
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Characteristics of solar street lamp system

◆ wide energy: solar street lamps use solar photovoltaic cells to provide electric energy. Solar energy, as a new energy of green and environmental protection, is "inexhaustible and inexhaustible". Making full use of solar energy resources is of positive significance to alleviate the shortage of conventional energy

◆ simple and convenient installation: the installation of solar street lamps is simple and convenient. There is no need to do a lot of basic works such as laying cables like ordinary street lamps. Only one base is needed to be fixed, and all lines and control parts are placed in the lamp frame to form a whole

◆ low maintenance cost: for the solar power supply used by solar street lamps, the operation cost is almost zero, except that a small part of the electricity cost will be generated if it is converted into municipal power supply in cloudy and rainy days. The operation of the whole system is automatic control without human intervention and almost no maintenance cost

Operation principle of solar street lamp

The working principle of solar street lamp is to convert solar energy into electric energy to realize lighting. At the top of the street lamp is solar panel, also known as photovoltaic module. During the day, these photovoltaic modules made of polysilicon convert solar energy into electric energy and store it in the battery, so that under the control of intelligent controller, the solar panel absorbs solar light and converts it into electric energy, During the day, the solar cell module charges and discharges the battery pack. In the evening, the electric energy is transmitted to the light source through the control of the controller to illuminate people at night. In the evening, the battery pack provides power to the LED light source of the state rent energy-saving bank, which realizes the lighting function of the Sun Alliance power floor.


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Address: Private Industrial Zone in Suburb of Tongling city








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