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Home > Product>Vacuum tube integrated solar energyTEL:4008658655
Online contactCharacteristics of solar energy system of vacuum tube integrated machine
◆ the products are centrally placed on the roof, with good daylighting effect and high solar energy utilization rate
◆ simple product structure, mature technology and stable operation
◆ the popularity of system accessories is convenient for maintenance
◆ low price
◆ it can meet the normal needs of users
Solar energy operation principle of vacuum tube integrated machine
In this system, the collector and the heat storage tank are set as a whole, and the heat storage tank is equipped with an electric auxiliary heating device. When the collector is exposed to the sun, the temperature rises, and the different density difference between the temperature of water in the collector and the heat storage tank generates circulating power, that is, the physical phenomenon of thermal siphon, which promotes the natural circulation of hot water between the collector and the heat storage tank, and finally heats the water in the heat storage tank. The hot water supply adopts falling water supply. The solar energy system is combined with conventional energy (electricity) to realize all-weather hot water supply.
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